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Produced by Irthlingz Arts-Based Environmental Education





1. Salish Sea Song (4:32) **
2. What Would Granny Say? (4:28) *
3. Economology (2:46) **
4. Waters of the World (2:43) *
5. Goodbye, Oil! (3:26) *
6. The Food Chain Song (3:21) *
7. The Delta 5 (6:44) *
8. Acidification (1:32) **
9. The Thin Green Line (2:00)
10. This Sea is Your Sea (3:49) +

* by Sharon Abreu
** by Michael Hurwicz
+ This Sea is Your Sea – words by Michael Hurwicz, music by Woody Guthrie

Sharon Abreu: Vocals, Guitar, Fiddle, Bass, Keyboard, Percussion
Michael Hurwicz: Vocals, Guitar, Bass
David Densmore: Percussion on Economology

Photo Credits: Fred Felleman & Sharon Abreu

Special thanks to Janet Alderton


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copyright © 2017 by Michael Hurwicz

Oh the Salish Sea is a beautiful sea (3x)
I really do believe that that’s the way that it’s supposed to be.

The eagle and the seagull flying free
The eagle and the seagull just flying free
The eagle and the seagull, and you and me
I really do believe that that’s the way that it’s supposed to be.

The humpback whale and the little sand flea (2x)
The whale and the flea, and you and me
I really do believe that that’s the way that it’s supposed to be.

When the sun comes up on the Salish Sea
And the rainbow shines like love and peace
Like love and peace, and you and me
I really do believe that that’s the way that it’s supposed to be

Like peace and love and harmony (3x)
I really do believe that that’s the way that it’s supposed to be

When the moon comes out on the Salish Sea
Reflecting light like glory be
Like glory be and you and me
I really do believe that that’s the way that it’s supposed to be

We can sail this Salish Sea
And we can save this Salish Sea
And we can savor this Salish Sea
I really do believe that that’s the way that it’s supposed to be


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Below: Photo copyright © by Fred Felleman


关于“苹果推荐”,你需要知道这17件事 - 知乎:2021-4-25 · 曾有业内朋友戏称魂世界是“苹果推荐专业户”,我对此哈哈笑过之后也不否认,魂世界的产品的确获得了非常多次的苹果推荐,近期上线的《苏打世界》已经是第6款了。所伡经常有朋友和媒体来问跟推荐相关的各种问题,…

What would Granny say to her children? What would she need them to know?
She’d say look both ways before you go, and don’t forget I love you so.
What would Granny say to her children, and her great-grandchildren, too?
More than a century living in the sea, she’s learned a thing or two.

What would Granny say, travelling troubled waters?
What would Granny say, to all our sons and daughters?
What would Granny say to her children? Oh, the stories she could tell –
Of seas that filled with salmon, before tankers roared and huge nets fell.

She’d describe the changing shoreline, how cold the water used to be,
Of the blob along the coastline, and of blubber filled with PCBs.

The matriarch of J-pod, beloved Orca tribe –
How did she survive so long, to birth and guide and thrive?

What would Granny say? What would Granny say?
She’d tell them of the borders only human beings can see.
How she fought when she was captured, and how lucky they are to be free.

She’d tell them all the things she’d seen, back when the waters were pristine.
She’d tell them “Always be aware, and above all else, be kind and share.

What would Granny say, travelling troubled waters?
What would Granny say, navigating crowded corridors?

She’d tell them of her journeys, a hundred miles a day –
Some days you’ll have too much to eat; Some days there won’t be any meat.
She’d tell them how the notch got in the trailing edge of her dorsal fin,
How before the ship Titanic sailed, she was slapping waves with her mighty tail.

The guiding light of her family, California to the Salish Sea.
She would guide us if we let her. But will—we—let– her?—

What would Granny say to you and me, if she had the opportunity?
She’d say, “Please save the Salish Sea –
For the fish, the birds, the seals, the whales, and for all– humanity!”

What would Granny say? What would Granny say?


copyright © 2014 by Michael Hurwicz

There’s a lesson that is dawning on humanity,
A species that has suffered from insanity.
It’s a very simple lesson of prosperity:
The economy depend on the ecology.

Many years back in old Iraq, agriculture was invented.
Population increase, cut down all the trees – now that place a desert.

The economy depend on the ecology,
The economy depend on the ecology,
From land and sea come prosperity –
The economy depend on the ecology.

See, you and me are the economy,
and we depend on the ecology.
If the world isn’t healthy, neither will we be,
Economy depend on the ecology.

There was a place called Love Canal,
People had work a-plenty.
But the factory man put poison in the land,
And now that town is empty.

The factory depend on the ecology,
The factory depend on the ecology.
Don’t poison the land Mr. factory man,
The economy depend on the ecology.

I don’t think war will solve a problem.
It only bring devastation.
Let’s stay home and take care of our own land,
And we will have a stronger nation.

Democracy depend on the ecology,
Freedom the depend on the ecology,
Your side, my side, everybody,
Everything depend on the ecology.

Factory depend on the ecology,
University depend on the ecology,
Baseball, football, democracy,
Everything depend on the ecology.

You and me depend on ecology,
She and he depend on ecology,
All of  we depend on the ecology,
It’s a lesson that is dawning on humanity.



copyright © 2002 by Sharon Abreu

Though on the surface it’s not easy to see.
They change the climate all over the world,
Just like we do, degree by degree.
Oh, the waters of the world are connected,
They flow through hearts as they flow through the land,
We’re drawn to water, our lifelong friend,
Its power and mystery we’re still learning to understand.
Oh, the waters of the world,
They carry what we give to them,
From near to foreign soil.
Oh, the waters of the world,
Salty swells fill ev’ry sea,
And a tiny sip of fresh water must quench all humanity.
All the waters of the world are connected,
And we’re just now beginning to see
Our currents rise below their tides,
And how they’ll flow is up to you and me.
Yes, how they’ll flow is up to you and me.

Above: An oiled bird from oil spill in San Francisco Bay. About 58,000 gallons of oil spilled from a South Korea-bound container ship when it struck a tower supporting the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in dense fog on 11/07/07.

By Brocken Inaglory GFDL or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Below: U.S. Navy Mechanized Landing Craft (LCMs) are anchored along the shoreline as Navy and civilian personnel position hoses during oil clean-up efforts on Smith island. The massive oil spill occurred when the commercial tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground while transiting the waters of Prince William Sound on March 24th, 1989.


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Government and oil were the best of friends,
All through their old school days.
Both members of the old boys club,
Refining the American way.
After the elections, the vows were taken,
And all of those who paid and toiled
Had to be paid back for their hard work,
And the debt was to be paid in oil.

[Spoken: Oil?! Don’t say OIL! Not oil!]With combustion engines, and housing heat,
And lights in every building and street,
Planes to fly, cars and trucks to drive,
And faster paces than you could meet.

Well, a hundred years of burning oil
Wreaked havoc with the air, land and sea.
The droughts and floods, and changing climates
Made it so we finally had to see

Ta— ta, ta, ta, ta—
Goodbye, oil!
Those SUVs?
They never looked good to me, oil.
You feelin’ hot?
It’s happenin’ like it or not, oil.
You’re in the dark?
Turn on the light in your heart, oil.

The enviro’s came in and brought a warning
But people didn’t want to hear.
They kept on buyin’ those SUVs,
The truth gave ‘em too much fear.

Some said coal could save our soul,
But it was just more CO2.
And we couldn’t deny that people were dying
From the mining and its poisons, too.

Ta— ta, ta, ta, ta—
Goodbye, oil!
Ta— ta, ta, ta, ta—
Goodbye, oil!

So, we bought solar panels, yeah, photovoltaics,
Put ‘em in our windows and rooves,
We buy hybrid electric cars,
Windmills and biofuel,
And do the conservation groove!

Ta— ta, ta, ta, ta—
Goodbye, oil!
Time to AWAKE! –
Do you know what’s at stake, oil?
What a surprise –
Watch the sea level rise, oil.
Leave you in the ground,
There’s cleaner power to be found, oil.
Your price is too high!
We’ll get our fuel from the sky, oil.


copyright © 1999 by Sharon Abreu

[sung by a plankton]
They say I’m only FISH FOOD! HA! Can you believe that?!
But if they only knew I’d end up inside of you!
It’s a hard knock life when you’re a plankton.
You’re not gonna live very long.
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To make the little fishies big and strong.
Oh, it’s a hard knock life when you’re a plankton.
You’re not gonna live very long.
‘Cause pretty soon you’re gonna get eaten
To make the little fishies big and strong.
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It’s The Food Chain! The Foo-oo-oo-ood Chain.
Natural as the sun and the rain,
I wanna be at the top, top, top of The Foo-oo-oo-ood Chain!
Well then, that little fishie’s gonna get eaten
By a bigger fishie twice his size.
The little fish, he doesn’t see it comin’,
But it’s really not a big surprise.
Well then, that bigger fish he’s gonna get eaten
By a fish that’s even bigger than he!
Then the fisherman comes with his nets and then
All those fishies are eaten by people.
I said, natural as the sun and the rain,
I’m on my way to the top, top, top of The Foo-oo-oo-ood Chain!
And I won’t stop till the top, top, top of The Foo-oo-oo-ood Chain!




copyright © 2016 by Sharon Abreu

The Delta 5
Sat down on the tracks,
Said no to the trains –
Now we have their backs.

The Delta 5
Knew what they had to do.
It’s not just up to them –
It’s up to me and you, too.

Oh-ho- the Delta 5
Brave and loving souls
Keeping hope alive,
Oh-ho- the Delta 5
Said no to the trains
And the crude oil they drive.

The Delta 5
Got hauled off to jail,
But they had a mission
And they did not fail.

And when it was time
For them to go to court,
They found that they had more
Than a little support!


Their tripod descended,
Four seated at the base,
And up at the top
Abby was in place.

They stayed for eight hours,
A cell phone in midair,
And on it Abby shared
Why they were there.


Trespass was the charge,
In the second degree,
And blocking a train –
They derailed the company.

The judge was fair,
Reconsidered their defense:
Necessity allowed –
A historic precedent!


The courtroom was full
Each and every day
Supporters there to hear
The defendants have their say.

The experts told of dangers –
Explosions and of deaths
Inflicted on the public
By corp’rate negligence.


The five-day trial made legal history –
As experts told of threats
To our community.

Then the judge denied
The necessity defense –
A disappointing blow
Handed down from the bench.


The judge said that he
Favored the defense,
But sadly he was bound
By legal precedents.

The judge felt bad
Delivering the punch,
So he gave them all
Ten extra minutes for lunch.


The five found guilty
Of trespass, though
Acquitted of the charge
Of not letting trains go.

And when the trial was over,
The judge agreed
The defendants are the kind of folks
Our country needs.


The trial a success,
The defendants stood tall.
Then they and the jurors
Hugged out in the hall.

Two of the jurors
Then joined the climate crew.
“Welcome to the movement!”
Said Mr. Minchew.

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If you trespass to pull
A child from the flames,
The law says that you
Cannot be blamed.

The Delta 5
Said this is just the same –
With oil trains and climate change,
Our kids are in the flames.


The necessity defense
Was not to be
But the potential allowed
For public testimony.

The Delta 5
Taught the world a great deal.
Probation and small fines –
Now onto appeal!


The Delta 5
Are just like you and me –
They’re hard working people
With a family.

The Delta 5
Put themselves on the line
‘Cause the climate is in crisis
And we’re running out of time.


copyright © 2016 by Sharon Abreu


copyright © 2016 by Michael Hurwicz

Acidification of
The ocean is a problem ’cause
Calcification of
Shells and corals can get messed up
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah
Shells and corals can get messed up

Let me tell you ’bout a little clam
Just want to grow to be a man clam
But the ocean chemistry –
Just too much acidity
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Just too much acidity

Oh the tale sad to tell
Just trying to grow a little shell now …

Let me tell you what we can do:
Transition off of fossil fuel
Stop acidification
Use the tide, wind and sun
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Use the tide, wind and sun
Clean way of living, man
Use the tide, wind and sun
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Use them all efficiently, man


Above: Estimated change in sea water pH caused by human created CO2 between the 1700s and the 1990s, from the Global Ocean Data Analysis Project (GLODAP) and the 苹果手机 vp Note: Lower pH (more red) equals more acidic.

The Thin Green Line

copyright © 2015 by Sharon Abreu

We are the Thin Green Line of the Pacific Northwest,
Our communities are bein’ put to the test.
We’re the line between the Salish Sea
And the greedy fossil fuel industry.